Climate Action Data

The San Mateo County Energy Watch (SMCEW) has partnered with each city and the county’s Open Data Program to make data available for climate action plan progress reports available for each city in San Mateo County as well as the county’s unincorporated areas. SMCEW presents these progress reports as an easy way to provide data about local efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.

In addition to exploring the charts and graphs in each city report, you can make your own data visualizations and maps for topics of interest using the county’s Open Data Portal. All of the data in the city progress reports are available for download as well. If you or your city is interested in utilizing this data or embedding visualizations on your website, please contact us and our team can help you through the process.

If your city is interested in learning more about the data we have provided or embedding visualizations on your website, please contact us at