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We host a RICAPS monthly working group to support city sustainability coordinators in developing and implementing climate action plans.

  • 2024 RICAPS Multi-City Working Group Meetings


    January 23


    Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation Compliance - Municipal Fleet Electrification


    February 27 Meeting Moving Forward from Berkeley – Local Building Electrification Code 2.0


    March 26 Webinar Local Building Electrification Codes 2.0 – Local Approach Showcase


    April 23 Meeting Kickstart Projects: Permit Simplification, Collaborative Grant Funding, Countywide Electrification Communication Campaign


    May 28 Webinar Creating Countywide Collaboration on Grant Applications


    June 27 Webinar Collaborating on Countywide Funding


    July -
    August -
    September -
    October -
    November -
    December -


  • 2023 RICAPS Multi-City Working Group Meetings
    January 23


    Existing Building Electrification


    February 28 Webinar Existing Building Electrification


    March 28 Webinar Existing Building Electrification, BAAQMD Ruling on Gas-Powered Furnaces and Water Heaters


    April 25 Webinar Electrification & Grid Reliability (Grid Basics), Berkeley New Building Electrification Federal Appeals Court Ruling


    May 23 Webinar Electrification & Grid Reliability Planning (CPUC, PG&E, PCE Planning and Forecasting Processes), Berkeley New Building Electrification Federal Appeals Court Ruling


    June 27 Webinar Municipal Facilities Electrification: Leading Electrification By Example - Local Examples Highlight Successes & Challenges


    July 25 Webinar Using the Capital Improvement Plan to Support Municipal Facilities Electrification


    August 22 Meeting Leading by Example: Municipal Electrification (RICAPS & Facilities Working Group)


    September 26 Webinar Municipal Opportunities to Electrify: Implementation Focus


    October 24 Webinar Wrapping up Focus on Capital Improvement Planning for Municipal Facility Electrification & Kicking off Electric Vehicle Theme


    November 14 Webinar RICAPS & Facilities Working Group: Fleet Electrification - Vehicle Procurement and Charger Installation and Maintenance


    December 12 Meeting 2023 RICAPS Highlights & 2024 Visioning



  • 2022 RICAPS Multi-City Working Group Meetings
    January 25


    Community GHG Inventory Status Updates, Overview of the PCE/SVCE/EBCE 2022 Reach Code Initiative, and San Mateo Resource Conservation District's Compost Broker Program


    February 22 Webinar Building Electrification in a Carbon Neutral Future, City Roundtable on Electrification Efforts and Cross-Jurisdiction Collaboration, Municipal Building Electrification Opportunities Preview and Willdan's New HPWH Program


    March 22 Webinar Context for Public Agency Building Electrification, Opportunities and Funding for Public Agency Building Electrification, Public Agency Building Electrification Discussion Exercise, and Spotlight on Compost Awareness Week


    April 26 Compost Broker Program, New Building Electrification Moonshot, Case Studies


    May 24 Compost Broker Program Update, Existing Building Electrification Module, Equity and Outreach Best Practices


    June 28 Electrification Costs (Piedmont Electrification Ordinance, California Electrification Bundling Cost Analysis, SMC Electrification Case Studies), Group Discussion


    July 26 Electrification Policy Options, Menlo Park Electrification Implementation Plan, Electrification Messaging Market Research


    August 23 SB 1383 Update and Brainstorm, Intro to Commercial Building Decarbonization, Commercial Building Decarbonization Insights, How Building Performance Standards Work


    September 27 Transportation Decarbonization Overview, EV Reach Codes


    October 25 All-Electric Buildings Case Study Preview, Regional Plans for Transportation Decarbonization, Micromobility and Active Transportation


    November 15 City Feedback Session on RICAPS, Annual Inventory Program Update and Q&A, Preliminary Results: Costs to Electrify 10 Existing Single-family homes in San Mateo County


    December 13 City to City Shareout on Climate Initiative Success Stories from 2022, Sustainability's Role in Transportation and Transportation Moonshot: Funding Focus


View presentations from past meetings.

Existing Building Reach Code Resources

  • Electrification Best Practices Review: RICAPS has released this Review to inform all-electric reach code development in the County. The Review identifies the five most frequently exempted building types from all-electric reach codes:
    • Commercial kitchens
    • Accessory dwelling units
    • Affordable housing
    • Public emergency centers
    • Labs and life sciences buildings
  • For more information, resources, recommended reach codes, and more, visit Bay Area Reach Codes here and BayREN Codes and Policies website here.
  • To reference one current example of an existing building reach code, see the City of San Mateo’s reach codes for home renovations here (effective January 1, 2023).

RICAPS Climate Action Plan Template

The RICAPS program provides access to a climate action plan template document that the 20 cities in San Mateo County and others can use to save staff time and resources. The template includes: guidance for collaborating with community groups when developing and implementing the CAP, identification of emissions from consumption activities (such as air travel, food, and purchases), and information about carbon sequestration and workforce development. With colorful photos, icons, and informative call-out boxes, the document is designed to be accessible to the public. Since it is formatted in Microsoft Word, city staff can edit it to include their own goals and strategies. The document was prepared in collaboration with an ad hoc advisory group of sustainability coordinators from seven San Mateo County cities, with technical support from Rincon Consultants, Inc.

This document undergoes frequent revision. Please email Avana Andrade at for the most recent version.

RICAPS Menu of Measures

This Excel-based tool documents the calculations associated with the menu of climate action measures for RICAPS. This Menu of Measures provides a pre-set list of greenhouse gas reduction measures most applicable to the San Mateo County region and a recommended approach to estimating potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions avoided from each measure. It was prepared by Rincon Consultants, Inc..

This document undergoes frequent revision. Please email Avana Andrade at for the most recent version.

RICAPS Forecasting Tool

This Excel workbook provides assistance to estimate the business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions through 2020, 2030, 2040, 2045, and 2050. It assists jurisdictions in calculating the metric tons of greenhouse gases reduced by California statewide measures and the city-specific measures selected in the RICAPS Menu of Measures Tool, and analyzes whether the reduction targets will be met by the climate action plan. It was prepared by DNV. The most recent version of the Forecasting Tool is version 9.3.

Energy Efficiency Home Webinar

View a Virtual Tour of an Energy Efficiency Home Webinar.

Case Studies

Check out our Case Studies page for examples of the work that we do.


Learn more about our programs or how to get an Energy Audit for your facility.

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